Besides, minimum radius and radius ratio of particle, especially the latter, have adverse effects on fracture strength factors of rock. 岩石颗粒最小粒径与颗粒半径比均对断裂强度因子有不利影响,且颗粒半径比的影响较大。
The Cause and Countermeasure of Producing Over Cut in Cutter Radius Compensation in NC Milling PORE THROAT RADIUS TO COIL GYRATION RADIUS RATIO AS CHARACTERISTIC OF ADAPTIVITY OF POLYMER MOLECULAR MASS TO CORE PERMEABILITY 数控铣削中半径补偿产生过切的原因及对策聚合物分子量与岩心渗透率配伍性&孔隙喉道半径与聚合物分子线团回旋半径比
The difference between the average degree calculated by the present solution and that by the previous solutions increases with the reduction in the radius ratio. 随着井径比的减小,本文解和以往的解得到的固结度差值变大。
We can find the optimum radius ratio of the inner circle and the outer circle according to different condition, and improve the performance of the system. 可根据不同情况找到最优的内外半径比,进而提高整个系统的性能。
Besides affected by the influences of module ratio e, thickness ratio δ and average radius ratio, the damping loss factor η of structure is also in direct proportion to the loss factor of damping material β. 结构的阻尼损耗因子η除了受到模量比e,厚度比δ和平均半径比r的影响外,还与阻尼材料的损耗因子β成正比。
Nu number is increased with the Ra number and radius ratio monotonously. 换热Nu随Ra和半径比的增大而上升;
The statistical indexes of the mode are presented, including pore features such as pore and throat sizes and characteristic pore-throat radius ratio and conductivity features of pores such as pore and throat shapes and pore-throat coordinate number. 给出了模型的统计指标,包括孔隙与喉道大小、孔喉特征半径比等孔隙特征和孔喉形状、配位数等孔隙导通特征。
Analysis results show that plastic zone radius, radial displacement, radial stress and ultimate pressure decline with the increase of initial radius ratio, and that radial stress and ultimate pressure increase with the increase of softening coefficient. 孔扩张过程中,随着初始孔径率的不断增大,塑性区半径、径向位移、径向应力及最终扩孔压力不断减小;随着软化系数的不断增大,径向应力及最终扩孔压力不断增大。
Numerical result shows that the propagation constants of even and odd modes are obviously affected by the radius ratio of the two fibers composing the coupler. 数值结果表明,组成耦合器的光纤半径比对偶模和奇模的传播常数都有明显的影响。
The uniqueness part is obtained by the maximum principle for the radius ratio function. 根据圆模式的圆半径比率函数的极大值原理,推出其惟一性。
A General Calculation of Radius Ratio of Simple Ionic Crystals 简单离子晶体离子半径比的计算
Calculation shows that the tension parameter depends chiefly on the balloon height to radius ratio H/ R and is stable to a great extent. 计算说明该参数主要决定于气圈高径比H/R,其数值在较大范围内比较平坦,稳定少变。
Besides these, the increment of the radius ratio of the inner and outer cylinder also has stabilizing effect on the flow. 此外内、外桶半径比(0到1之间)增大,也将使流动趋于稳定。
Result indicates increasing along with the radius ratio of inner and outer floating ring, the eccentricity reduces, the load-bearing capacity increases; 结果表明:浮动套内外半径比增大,偏心率减小,承载能力增大;
The calculation of critical radius ratio values and the investigation of the reliability of radius ratio rule 临界半径比的计算和半径比规律可靠性的考察
The effect of absorptive coefficient of the outer layer medium on the coupled heat transfer is similar to that of the radius ratio of two layers in the inlet cross section. 外层介质的吸收系数、入口截面的相对厚度对耦合换热的影响基本一致;
Meanwhile, effects of transverse shear deformation, Batdorf's parameter, radius to thickness ratio, length to radius ratio, ply numbers and elastic moduli ratio on the buckling behaviors of the shells were discussed. 同时,结合典型算例讨论了横向剪切变形、Batdorf数、径厚比、长径比、铺层数和弹性模量比对圆柱壳屈曲性态的影响。
The pore structure features small pore throat radius and low height-wide ratio, and much fractal dimension, big capillary tortuosity and high pore-throat radius ratio. 孔隙结构特征表现为孔喉半径及其高宽比小,分形维数、毛细管弯曲度和孔-喉径比大。
The experimental results show that the size of gravel is an important factor for gravel pack sand control. The decline of gravel pack permeability is related to gravel sand radius ratio, production time and the viscosity of fluid. 结果表明,砾石充填防砂效果与砾石尺寸的选择密切相关,砾石层渗透率的降低与砾石及地层砂的粒径比、流体粘度、累积产液量等因素有关。
Through indoor simulated test, the influence of boundary condition, size effect, radius ratio, stress state and relative density on cone resistance be determined. 通过分析影响室内模拟试验的影响因素,得到室内试验修正系数与侧向边界条件、半径比、初始应力状态以及相对密度的关系曲线。
The influences of initial radius ratio and softening coefficient on stress and displacement field for Tresca materials are studied during cylindrical cavity expansion. 探讨了柱孔扩张时初始孔径率、软化系数对Tresca材料应力场、位移场的影响规律。
Meanwhile, as the radius ratio of the two bubbles increases, the degree of deformation of the smaller bubble and the pressure gradient between the two bubbles increase. 同时,随着两个气泡初始半径比的增大,小气泡的变形程度增强,位于两个气泡中间的几何空间上的压力梯度增大。
It has been discovered that the resonance frequency is mainly modulated by the core-shell radius ratio of a particle. 理论研究表明:共振频率主要受到粒子核壳半径比调制;此外,外界环境、粒子形状、尺寸大小也会对共振波峰产生影响。
The results show that the dual cones induce the detonation waves more easily than the single cones which have the same length/ radius ratio as the dual one, and the detonation waves induced by the dual cone are more stable than those induced by single cone. 结果表明,相同底面圆半径与锥高的双锥体比单锥体更容易形成爆轰波,且形成的爆轰波更稳定。
These works play a positive role for restraining ion radial flow. Finally, base on the construction of one dimensional ion radial model, the relation between asymmetry of parameters radial distribution and height radius ratio is researched. 最后,在建立离子一维径向运动模型的基础上,研究了参数径向分布不对称与高径比之间的关系。
The critical Ma number decreases with the increase of the aspect ratio and the decrease of the radius ratio. 临界Ma数随着深宽比的增大而减小,随着半径比的增大而增大。